West Michigan Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Care for Addictions

Chiropractic Care for Addictions

Out of the nearly 21 million Americans with at least one addiction, only 10 percent receive treatment. Addiction refers to a mental disorder, in which a person repeatedly uses substances or performs behaviors that are harmful to their health, well-being,...

What Is a Subluxation?

What Is a Subluxation?

Whether it’s your first appointment or fiftieth, you have likely heard your local chiropractor mention the term subluxation. For those not in the chiropractic field, this term may sound unusual. If you would like to know what subluxation is, what the symptoms are, and...

Top Chiropractic Tips You May Not Know in 2021

Top Chiropractic Tips You May Not Know in 2021

For many people, they like to wait until they experience pain before heading to their local chiropractor. Instead of waiting for the pain to hit, a more effective approach is to receive regular chiropractic care that will prevent pain and discomfort in the first...

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Veterans

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Veterans

The Department of Veterans indicates there are around 19 million veterans in the United States. This number represents less than 10 percent of the U.S. population. From the rigorous training, deployments, and traveling, the brave men and women who have fought for this...

Physical Therapy vs. Chiropractic Care

Physical Therapy vs. Chiropractic Care

Whether you have an injury, health condition, or just want to improve your overall health, it can be overwhelming to choose the best option among a sea of different treatments. It’s recommended to always talk to your doctor about your treatment options, as they will...

The Top Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

The Top Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

If you’ve been following our blog, you know that chiropractic care is safe for people of all ages from newborns to seniors. As people age, there are unique health challenges they may face, such as arthritis, brittle bones, reduced flexibility and balance, and even...