Out of the nearly 21 million Americans with at least one addiction, only 10 percent receive treatment. Addiction refers to a mental disorder, in which a person repeatedly uses substances or performs behaviors that are harmful to their health, well-being, relationships, and careers. Common treatments used to treat addictions include rehab and therapy. Additionally, chiropractic care is an effective treatment option that pairs well with a drug rehab or therapy program. Let’s take a closer look at how chiropractic care can help those struggling with addictions.

Reduce Stress Levels

When a person becomes sober, this is an extremely stressful time. The body is getting used to functioning without substances, while the mind is anxious and scared about the future. These emotions are normal and expected during recovery. Chiropractic care is an effective way to help relax and better manage stress and anxiety without using drugs or alcohol.

To help reduce stress levels, it’s vital that a patient has a properly aligned spine. When the spine is out of alignment, this interferes with the nervous system being able to send messages correctly to the body. A licensed chiropractor can perform specific, gentle adjustments designed to reduce nerve irritation in the spine, release muscle tension, and boost blood circulation levels. As a result of these adjustments, levels of the stress hormone known as cortisol will be reduced. This will help a patient’s body no longer be in a continual fight-or-flight state and instead, be more relaxed. Indeed, a more relaxed patient will find it easier to cope with their stress and successfully complete other addiction programs.

Reduce Pain

It’s no surprise that people develop drug addictions due to living with chronic injuries or pain. For example, opioids are a commonly prescribed drug to treat chronic pain. Opioids can be addictive, which may explain why 21 to 29 percent of patients abuse using them and 8 to 12 percent of patients develop an opioid addiction. During therapy, patients will receive the care, support, and resources to learn how to cope with their pain without using addictive drugs. Holistic treatments like chiropractic can significantly help reduce a patient’s pain levels using safe, drug-free adjustments. In fact, chiropractic promotes the release of feel-good endorphins, which are natural pain killers without side effects. How awesome is that?

Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments are an effective treatment to reduce lower back pain, an issue that affects millions of Americans. Indeed, this is a safer alternative to prescription pain-relief drugs. The American College of Physicians recommends spinal manipulations, acupuncture, and massage therapy as an alternative to addictive pain-relief medications. 

Improve Emotional Health

During the recovery process, it’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions. This isn’t surprising since substance abuse is just one way to cope with emotional and/or physical pain. A therapy program will open up old wounds that may be challenging to discuss. By receiving chiropractic adjustments, a patient will experience less stress levels and a better functioning central nervous system. This will help improve a patient’s mood, ability to sleep, and self-image. A chiropractor will help improve a patient’s emotional health and wellness, which will give a patient the boost to get through their rehabilitation and remain sober. 

Improve Impulse Control and Reduce Cravings

Did you know that chiropractic care can help patients improve their impulse control and reduce their cravings? This is due to a patient becoming more self-aware, a key benefit of holistic treatments, such as chiropractic, yoga, and massage therapy. When patients become more aware of their mental and emotional health, this helps them learn how to better manage their symptoms of addiction. In turn, patients can enjoy more stable moods and be less likely to make impulsive choices. When those cravings hit, patients will find it easier to control those feelings and move forward with their sobriety. 

Holistic Care at West Michigan Chiropractic

When you visit our office at West Michigan Chiropractic, our expert team will create a customized treatment plan that meets your needs, budget, and lifestyle. As mentioned above, chiropractic is an excellent supplement to a current rehab or therapy program. Chiropractic will help improve a patient’s overall physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being, which is necessary to overcome addiction. The last thing anyone wants is to fall back into old habits after working hard on their recovery. Contact West Michigan Chiropractic in Portage, MI today to learn about our chiropractic care that treats a variety of health conditions, including addiction.