If you have diarrhea, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and similar problems, you probably rely on over-the-counter drugs for digestive issues for temporary relief. If you rely on them, though, you cannot address the underlying issues. If you have chronic issues with your digestive tract, you could benefit from setting an appointment with a chiropractor.

What does chiropractic care have to do with digestion?

There is evidence of chiropractic care being effective at treating digestive issues. Since your nervous system heavily influences your gut and controls your digestive functions, treatments for your musculoskeletal system could improve symptoms.

In your intestines, specialized nerve cells called ganglion cells manage your digestive tract muscles. Ganglions push the food through your system and connect to the celiac ganglion. This mass of nerve tissue helps regulate everything from your stomach and kidneys to your spleen and gallbladder. You can find a person’s celiac ganglions in their spine’s lower thoracic and upper lumbar regions.

If your middle-lower back experiences pressure from misalignment or injury, it could cause digestive dysfunction. Misalignments can manifest as difficulties in bowel movements; on average, people have anywhere from three bowel movements a day to three bowel movements a week. If your bowel movements are painful or occurring more or less frequently than average, you might have issues in your spinal alignment.

What to know about chiropractic care for digestive issues

This type of remedy is safe, gentle, and best for long-term relief. If you want to get to the root of your digestive issues, seeing a chiropractor is one of your best options. If you rely on laxatives, you face the risk of mineral deficiency, dehydration, and permanent nerve or muscle damage to your digestive tract. Conversely, people who receive chiropractic care report more regular bowel movements after their sessions.

How does chiropractic care help children’s digestion?

Children with colic, infrequent bowel movements, and constipation could significantly benefit from chiropractic assessments. These digestion issues might begin from birth—the baby’s vagus nerve, which is linked directly to digestion, could have suffered compression during labor.

In labor, babies’ cranial bones shift around, and they return to their proper position once the baby has been delivered. As the baby feeds in those first hours, the upper and lower jaw movements stimulate the skull’s base and the palate, which returns the bones to their proper places. If the baby has a compressed vagus nerve, he will have a sluggish colon.

Fortunately, babies can receive chiropractic care. Some chiropractors have training in adjusting infants and toddlers, and they can help young children correct these digestive issues early. What’s more, chiropractic care for infants help with other concerns. Besides boosting digestive health, chiropractic also improves a baby’s immune system and prevents them from becoming irritable.


Chiropractic care assists in developing a robust digestive system. If you or your child suffers from diarrhea, IBS, or other problems like these, request a session with a chiropractor. Beyond helping ease your symptoms, these professionals could get to the root cause of the problem, helping you become healthier in the long run.

Get yourself on the path to wellness when you book an appointment with West Michigan Chiropractic. We are family chiropractors in Portage and Kalamazoo, Michigan, helping everyone from children to seniors with a range of physiological concerns. Contact us today to learn more!