Since COVID-19, this pandemic has created countless challenges regarding people’s professional, academic, and personal lives. For employees, many have transitioned to remote work, which is yet another adjustment to adapt to. When employees are not focused on their work, this leads to wasted time, money, and growth opportunities. Whether they work from home or at a physical office, businesses cannot afford for their employees’ productivity levels to continually decrease. When you struggle to focus or think clearly, this is known as brain fog. If brain fog becomes a normal part of your life, it can negatively impact your overall quality of life. Luckily, chiropractic care is an effective solution to improve your focus and thus, work productivity.

Before we dive in, let’s briefly discuss some causes of decreased work productivity. Keep in mind that the specific reasons varies for each individual:

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Feeling sick
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor diet
  • Poor sleep
  • Sitting for long periods of time
  • Stress

Your Spine Alignment Affects Your Brain Functions

When your spine is not aligned properly, this affects your nervous system. Since the nervous system is responsible for your body’s functions, this means the nervous system cannot properly send brain to body signals throughout your spine. In turn, this affects your ability to focus and think clearly. People that suffer from poor spine alignment may not be aware how much this affects their body’s ability to function correctly. Indeed, proper spine alignment allows the brain and spinal cord to function properly. When your spine is aligned, this helps you feel better, think more clearly, and focus better without pain and discomfort.

West Michigan Chiropractic Care Boosts Your Productivity

At West Michigan, we are dedicated to helping you improve your work productivity, health, and well-being through our principled chiropractic care. Our doctors are experts at performing gentle, safe, and effective adjustments that help you achieve your fullest potential. Contact West Michigan Chiropractic today to learn more about our chiropractic care services. Drs. Ryan and Sarah Malarney would love to become your new Portage Chiropractor!