Each person has a different pain tolerance level. Some can continue their daily activities even with chronic pain. Others may seek medical attention as soon as they experience even the slightest discomfort. Even if you have an incredibly high tolerance, body aches and pains shouldn’t be ignored.

One of the most common areas that people report experiencing pain is their back. The spine, shoulders, and lower back areas support our weight and carry most of our physical load throughout the day. When we feel stressed and tired, the muscles in our back tend to contract and tense up. It should come as no surprise that this part of our body is often the one crying out for attention.

Protecting the wellbeing of your spine is crucial to continuing to do daily tasks. For those who experience pain, getting a chiropractor to work on your back can help relieve some of the symptoms without medication or invasive therapy. Chiropractic care can also help manage the pain from aching muscles and reduce dysfunctions caused by subluxations or misaligned vertebra.

If you aren’t sure whether you need chiropractic care, here are some signs that might indicate that you could benefit from it:

You wake up feeling tired

Sleep should allow you to get a good night’s rest where your muscles relax, and you relieve your spine of pressure. If you wake up in the morning and feel as if you didn’t get any sleep at all, your muscles may not have been able to decongest and retract as you slept. You may have tension in your lower back that disrupts your sleep or keeps you from going into a deep, restful sleep.

You experience pain from sitting for long periods

Lower back pain doesn’t always present itself as a constant. If you experience discomfort after sitting or even standing for long periods, you may benefit from your spine and pelvis’s realignment.

You have trouble reaching for items

Other symptoms of problems with your back could be a limited range of motion. Issues in your back can radiate to your limbs, preventing you from stretching or bending to do everyday tasks. If you feel like it takes more effort to do things you previously did with ease, or you find yourself straining to do simple tasks like reaching into a cupboard or climbing stairs, it might be a sign of issues with your spine.

You have difficulty running or engaging in light exercise

Everyone has a different attitude towards exercise, but doing low-impact movements like running or brisk walking shouldn’t cause you pain. If you exercise regularly, some muscle groups can grow worn out and require professional care to improve blood flow and circulation.

In conclusion

It is essential to get early care for your pain. The benefit of chiropractic care is that it can not only relieve pain and restore function in your musculoskeletal system; it also encourages your body’s natural healing response. With continued professional care and assessments, chiropractic care can provide long term relief, prevent further injury, and promote overall healthy bodily function.

Are you looking for the best chiropractor in West Michigan? We offer state-of-the-art care through chiropractic services for people of all ages. Call us or book your appointment through our website and begin your journey to healing today!