One of the most common affiliations the average person suffers is back pain. After all, humans evolved for walking great distances—not for sitting at a desk, driver’s seat, couch, or bed all day.

Unaddressed, this issue can become a debilitating problem that can cause serious issues down the line.
As such, we have created this list of tips and tricks for improving the health of your back, as devised by the best chiropractors in Kalamazoo. With no further ado, here they are:

1. Get shoes that support your feet

While there is nothing wrong with buying shoes that look great, a good pair must be able to provide adequate support for your feet. High heels, for example, put unnecessary pressure on your feet, while flat shoes don’t do anything to support it. Luckily, there are plenty of shoes designed to be orthopedic and ergonomic for the wearer that don’t sacrifice looks. If you can’t find a provider in your area, you might have better luck looking online.

2. Don’t sit all day

It is unheard of for a person to take a 40-minute commute to work, work for 8 hours, commute back to their home for another 40-minutes, and then spend the rest of their night on a couch watching Netflix until it’s time for bed. Chiropractors and other professionals will tell you that all this sitting is bad for the back.

As such, it is important to move around at least once an hour at work to make sure your spine and muscles are stimulated a little. Some people have also been known to do stretches at the desk to help with back pain. You might also want to think about investing in an ergonomic chair with lumbar support and perhaps even a standing desk so that you can avoid the damage of sitting too long.

3. Exercise

Exercise is more than just about looks; it is about health and strength. The stronger and more stimulated your muscles are, the better they’ll be able to handle the weight of your body. That will provide better spinal support and protection.

It doesn’t stop at exercises at the gym. There are plenty of sports that increase the strength of muscles related to back support, such as swimming, running, and so on. Even dance has been known to have great benefits for posture and back health.

After all, trips to the gym don’t always have to be just doing the same exercises again and again. You can have fun with your physical exertion by choosing the right sport or hobby.

4. Quit smoking

There is no end to the negative effects smoking can have on the body, going beyond the lungs and heart. Chemicals in cigarettes can restrict blood flood to the vertebrae and discs, speeding up their deterioration. As such, it is important to give up this bad habit and maybe switch it out for a better one.

Final thoughts

Back pain has many causes, some more subtle than others. By building good habits, however, you can mitigate the effects of these causes. Whether that just means standing up to walk around and stretch every hour at work, or even replacing your shoes, it is important to take every precaution you can to avoid spinal pain and damage.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Kalamazoo to help with back pain, give us at Go West Michigan a call. We can help you live life to its fullest potential.