Every parent wants to provide the very best for their child, whether it’s a home, education, or medical care. More parents are seeing the benefits of providing non-invasive, drug-free support for their children, which is why professionals like chiropractors are becoming more popular for seeking pediatric chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care helps address issues in the spine and the nervous system, making them a valuable resource for assisting with pain in these areas. There are two types of chiropractors: traditional and corrective. The former focuses on improving range of motion and reducing pain, while the latter identifies signs of dysfunction in the nervous system and finds core problems. Having your child see a chiropractor can address issues that have been plaguing them for years.

Here are three signs your child urgently needs chiropractic care:

Sleep Issues

According to the 2008 study published in The Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, researchers observed that infants slept better when they underwent chiropractic care. The infants’ parents filled out a questionnaire on their children’s sleep patterns, which they used to analyze their sleep changes during the study.

The researchers stated that infants’ sleep problems showed significant improvements in several ways. During the short period of chiropractic care, infants fell asleep faster, had longer consecutive hours of sleep, and enjoyed a deeper and more restful sleep.

If your child is experiencing sleep difficulties, it may be an issue that a chiropractor can examine.

Bad Posture

Many children are prone to bad posture, which can affect their future health and self-confidence. One of the dangers of bad postures is that it can result in accelerated spinal deterioration and impaired cognition, negatively affecting their quality of life. It can also lead to a host of other medical issues, like constricted nerves, a misaligned spine, and diminished lung function.

If you think your child has difficulty with their posture, it is best to seek chiropractic care. Doing so will correct the problem, preventing expensive medical conditions in the long run.

Behavioral Problems

As children grow up, they explore numerous interests and activities that help them form their identities. It is often a period of excitement and confusion, as their self-perception and hobbies may be in constant flux. However, if their behavior begins to trouble you, it may point to a problem in their central nervous system (CNS).

The CNS plays a vital role in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral disorders. These problems may be a result of an irritation in the nervous system. As it comprises the brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves, which are protected by the skull and the spine, a chiropractor has the skills and expertise to soothe any irritation and address problems in this area.

If your child’s behavior begins to impact their performance at school and in other aspects, they may urgently need chiropractic care.


Chiropractors are known to help with many problems successfully. These professionals undergo extensive education and intensive training, making them experts at analyzing the body’s structural framework. The nervous system is responsible for many of our body’s essential functions, so seeing a chiropractor may be the solution to a problem you didn’t expect. If your child exhibits these three signs, be sure to take them to a chiropractor.

Go West Michigan Health is a state-of-the-art chiropractic health center with the best chiropractors in the Portage and Kalamazoo communities. We specialize in neurologically-based corrective chiropractic care that can help you live life to its fullest potential. Book your next appointment with us today!